Saturday, February 26, 2011

Waters of Sebus 'published'

That's right folks. As of right now its going live, right here. Okay, so so far its just an introduction, but it will all be posted over time.

Of all the writing I have ever done the one I took most seriously was Waters of Sebus. I have only ever released short segments from the first chapter, dreaming of one day getting it published. Maybe even quit my day job and become a full time writer.

A friend of mine recently quit his day job to live the dream. He sold a book, as well as options for several sequels. As far as I can see he is enjoying it, but he is the first to admit that finances are tight. But its a worthwhile trade for a lifestyle you love right?

Then I started my job. I enjoy it and can see myself still there in forty years. We have spare money. Its hard to imagine going back.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up my writing. But I no longer look at it as a potential money earner. Its now free and available for anyone to read. Which was what I really wanted when I started anyway.

BM out

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


At two thirty I got an email saying that there was another earthquake in christchurch. I thought nothing of it, just another aftershock, they happen all the time.

Wandering through the corridors a large number of people were on there phones. Nobody was saying much, just listening. I overheard a news report, it sounded as if someone had the wrong number, wires crossed somewhere in the system.

At three fifteen I went to a meeting. My boss has his time allocated in fifteen minute blocks throughout the day, he's never late. He was late.

My boss arrived we talked for a few moments. He made a call, one guys was okay, two still unacounted for, a fourth in Nelson. Buildings down. Bodies on the streets. Warehouse okay, workers sent home, more important things to take care of then a few busted containers. Another call interupted the first, missing guys accounted for, still trying to track down families.

I arrived back at my office. There was a message on my phone, from our new land line number. My wife loves being able to call people, I just have to remember to programme it in. The message system is strange, new messages come in through email, you open them and they play through your phone. Her voice is shaken, I know she was having a bad day. Mum had called, my sister had been driving into town around two thirty, I'd forgotten she was on holiday down there. She's okay. Kind of funny really, thought she had a flat tyre and pulled over to the side of the road. Turns out it was a little more serious then that.

Our prayers are with everyone is Christchurch. May God bless those who remain, and speed those who are gone on their way.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gone off the face of the earth

Well almost, moved to New Plymouth. We are finally getting the internet. Officially its so I can work from home, I have no problems letting them pay for it, but it also means I can get active in my blog and some forums again.

Job is going well. I working as a chemical engineer. Sad to see the bio bit go, but such are the decisions we make in life. I am doing half of two jobs, but I have two complete bosses. Makes for some interesting times. So far I've managed to avoid being caught in the middle.

Q: So what does a biochemical engineer actually do?
A: Support the running of the plant

Q: What does that mean?
A: The engineer does everything the operators don't have time to do

Q: Best perk?
A: I don't do any of the physical work

BM out