Monday, August 30, 2010

To my dedicated fans...

Hello everybody.

A little about me...

I'm a lot of different things for different people. First off I'm a husband to a beautiful wife. Not sure what I'd do without her. Then I am a father to a delightful eleven month old girl.

I'm a mormon (If your a stickler for details then a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). My current calling is part of the stake clerical team.

In my professional life (who am I kidding, I'm still a poor uni student) I'm a biochemical engineer. Sounds cool, doesn't it? It means I get to play with blood and milk and chicken feathers and other smelly stuff.

I'm a writer. I alternate between high fantasy and mormon fiction. Currently Ammon is stuck in a prision awaiting sentance for killing King Lamoni. I'm looking forward to figuring out his escape.

I also kid myself into believing I'm a capoeirista. Got the bruises to prove it. Who knows, maybe I'll post a video.

Be good
BM out