Monday, October 11, 2010

Challange based writing

Its blogging week. As forums go its pretty small. But its got some pretty awesome resourses for writing in godzone. Being small means don't loose track of everything if you don't log in every fifteen minutes. In fact its easy to catch up on several weeks at a time.

My favorite feature of KiwiWriters is the challanges. I'd seen the idea before, but KiwiWriters elavtes the challange to an art form. There is always something happening. Currently its Blogg week. Last month was all sorts of speculative fiction.

I first stumbled across KiwiWriters from the NaNoWriMo forum. At the time they were just about to start the New Year Novella. The target was 20,000 words. I gave it a go. Its amazing how much motivation seeing everybody elses numbers gives. I was no longer writing to tell the story, I was writing to post a higher number then cowgirlhat and wolfmotaki. Eight Stones came in at just over 18,000. It still needs lots of editing, but stands as my longest completed work.

Next month I'm going to try NaNo. The goal is 50,000. Wish me luck.
BM out


Paul Callaghan said...

Hi Richard This comment probably doesn't belong right here but I wanted to let you know about a competition. I receive newsletter called Funds for Writers and this was one of the comps this week:
The Sunstone Education Foundation invites writers to enter its annual fiction contest. All entries must relate to adult Latter-day Saint experience, theology, or worldview. All
varieties of form are welcome. Publication is not guaranteed, but winners agree to give Sunstone first publication options.
Prizes will be awarded in two categories: short-short story--fewer than 1,500 words; and short story--fewer than 6,000 words. Prize money varies (up to $400 each) depending on the number
of winners announced. Up to three entries may be submitted by any one author. Send manuscript in PDF or Word format to by October 31, 2010.

I wouldn't have a clue where to start with this one but I thought you might be interested.And the prize money looks pretty good when you convert it to NZ.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

Hey there - are you on twitter or facebook? I'd like to follow you but I've already got so many different techie interfaces that I don't need another one to waste time on (ie Google connect or whatever its called). Just tweet me on @_myradavis or lemme know on facebook (Myra Davis). OR maybe you know how I can follow you from LiveJournal instead (I'm not as much of a computerhead as I think).

Nice to see a fellow LDS writing and doing the NaNoWriMo. Sweet.

Kiwasi said...

Hey Paul

Thanks for the heads up. I would have liked to look into it further, but due date is at the worst possible time for me, with final exams and presentations and all.

Kiwasi said...

Hey Myra

I'm on facebook as Richard Gubb. Profile pic looks something like the one on this site. But currently facebook isn't linked to my blogg.

On LiveJournal you can syndicate feeds if you have a paid account. Go to Down the bottom of the page is a spot you can put in a new URL. Add my webpage there. If you don't have a paid account it won't let you add a new site. Might work if you can convince someone else who has paid to add my site, then you can piggyback.

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